Universal Products
One or more new ECAs (E-Commerce Associate) from India have just joined TripleClicks:
$450.00 free shipping
You save 9% off the regular price of $500.00
Universal Products, Bangalore http://gift4u.tripleclicks.com/11555110
Buy Here:
Note: Because they have just been approved, they may not yet have any products listed.
Here's what you need to do now:
1. Go to the new ECA's TConnect Websites, log in (using your SFI ID and password), and then click the "Connect" button to let the ECAs know you're glad they've joined TripleClicks. You may also wish to bookmark them.
2. Once they have added products, support these new ECAs and earn VersaPoints by shopping at their TConnect Websites when you can. Remember, because they are India companies, shipping fees should be low, and they may even offer local, "will-call" pick-ups (i.e. NO shipping fees).
3. Once they have added products, you can start earning Direct Commissions of 45% of CV by referring local and other customers to these companies. So you are credited with all sales, refer customers to the ECA's TConnect Website (the URL listed behind their name and city above).
To review ALL the ECAs in India, go to http://www.tripleclicks.com/ecaCountries.php (be sure to connect with the ECAs you like).
For LocalPay/TCurrency merchants in your region, see: http://www.tripleclicks.com/ECA/LocalPay/Directory.php
NOTE: You can help SFI grow in your country and earn lifetime royalties for yourself too by referring additional India ECAs. Learn how at: https://www.sfimg.com/HelpDesk/ECAFaq.sfi
Have a great day!
SFI Admin www.sfimg.com
* If you prefer not to receive these notices, you may opt out at: www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/EmailManager
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